A Thought Can Change Your Mind
A Smile Can Change Your Day
Heartfelt Words Can Change the World
Join me as I share my thoughts, words, photos, and insight about things I love!
Have you heard the term "I have hit a brick wall" when you get stuck writing? Some people call it writers block. I have experienced something that erases that block. My first book took 4 years to write 75 pages in MS Word....oh my! Good thing I wasn't writing for a company because I would have lost my job for sure. I held up my very short book grinning from ear to ear "I did it! I am done!" The truth is the first draft wasn't that great. Why? The experiences were touching but the underlying theme and solutions were unclear. My manuscript became a dust catcher. Then a few months later something happened...it was as if some kind of outside inspirational force struck me. I call it spirit or God's spirit or the Universe. It really doesn't matter what we label it because it is an inspiring spirit that takes over our minds, hearts, and makes words flow so fast and easily. In six months using all my time outside of work the 75 pages soon turned into 400. It had a definite theme, it had life lessons with the experiences, and it was engaging. During that time of crazy fast writing I thought "Did I just write that? Wow, that doesn't even sound like me, it is really good!" Well, the same type of thing happened to me again. A year ago I ran to Sedona to write. Why? I needed to stop my yelling conscience. "So, where is that followup book you promised to your readers?" "You said you would write a book with more life lessons for them!" Surely the spiritual vibrations of Sedona and the recordings of Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer would make this book come out fast and easily! Can you guess what happened? Two chapters and a title got done. THEN...last January I felt that same unexplained spirit come to me and over me. In two afternoons and two eight hour days my new book Light to Your Heart-Daily inspiration for 31 Days was completed. Then, my daughter, Mernette Martin, completed her first book Moose's Mindful Mantra in a few days. I was amazed at how fast she painted each illustration and wrote this children's book. Here is what I learned and understand to be the key to writing without blockage. You must be in the center of your purpose. When you are you will feel it and know without a doubt you are doing what you are meant to do. Follow what is in your heart and do not be confined by your mind. I stuck myself in a box thinking I must write another book about life lessons because I said I would. But my heart said "Share what you love, speak what you believe, and share your passion!" So now I know, that spirit of inspiration is in my heart, it is in me...it is guided by God, or Universe, or Spirit...and now I write. In fact book #4 is in the making with spirit and truth guiding me. Maybe you are like me with a love of adventure and the travel bug. Interesting, my next adventure tends to take me to foreign places while wonders are right under my nose. Take a look at the picture in this post---is it from Japan or China? No, not at all as I took it in San Marino, CA at the Huntington Library. When I get traveled fatigued and yearn for my home and my own bed I find myself searching for places to take pics or visit. Did you know that a google search on local things to do yields the most interesting results? Try free or near free things to do with kids in the area you live. Photographic spots in Southern Ca. or your local area or city. A search of local museums, events, or festivals will yield a great number of spots to see in your local area that range from pricey to near nothing or free.. Whether you are a parent or grandparent, a photography buff, or just looking for something to do---the world is open to you with things you may have never seen right under your nose. Recently my photographer friends went out shooting in Riverside, CA which is close to where I live. I missed the shoot because I was sick after a long trip. When I viewed the pictures they posted I wondered "Where is this place, I never saw that before?" ---funny as I have lived in the area for decades! I missed interesting places right under my nose! Have you noticed that people who live in a city rarely visit their local attractions? I am referring to not only the big ones such as Disneyland if you live in Southern CA but places like you local botanical gardens, your local downtown or historical town area, wildflower reserves, or National, State or local parks and wildlife areas. We visit our must see attractions when we have visitors to entertain from out of town. For me Joshua Tree National Park is an hour drive, a place I missed for decades and now visit yearly because of its breathtaking beauty. Stretch your imagination as you stretch your places to travel and experience. Stop and experience the wonders right under your nose! Everyone can write. We do it every day with task lists, agendas, notes, and emails. When you write an essay, book, or even a poem a wonderful thing happens. Your mind is engaged as you pen the words into your new creation. But when you let your heart and spirit guide your writing you can center your heart and soul. Let me share some tips on how using journal writing---begin by taking a few deep breaths to settle yourself. Choose a topic or better yet just begin writing what comes into your mind. When I am worried or have a preoccupied mind I start with "How do I feel?" Then I write down what I am feeling, thinking, a situation until I have nothing else to write. You can use this same approach to write what makes you happy, an achievement, or awesome experience. When you are done you will feel more clarity,centered, and grounded. My first attempt at writing was through journal writing. Even though I am now an author I still love to journal today. All photography lovers know the best light to shoot in is the golden light at sunrise and sunset. I love shooting but I must admit getting up before the crack of dawn isn't my favorite thing to do. When I travel I always catch a sunrise and sunset but at home...oh my---the challenge! A few days ago I was up before the roosters crow on my way to Joshua Tree to shoot the sunrise with friends. But, I had a mind battle about going there in the dark...would there be snakes?critters? and imagined dangers hiking in the dark??? Funny I had just blogged about judging, assuming, expectations and here I was twirling the false expectations in my mind. Six of us hiked in the dark,cameras in hand, to Barker dam. Cold, dark, with a glimpse of the sunrise beginning...flashlights and guess what---no critters-lol it's too cold for snakes! The sun came up and the beauty was breathtaking! Golden light hit the rock formations, pink in the sky, tranquil, and exquisite. I thought, any problems I have are so insignificant, so small when I have such a grand gift right here, free for anyone to enjoy. I am grateful. So now if I mind twirl false expectations I'll remember this grand morning. AND yes I will be up before the crack of dawn again with camera in hand to see what beautiful lesson I learn as the day arrives. PHOTOGRAPHY TIP: Get ready to shoot the sunrise 30 minutes before sunrise and a sunset 30 minutes before sunset. When we look at a flower ...we have no judgement about it such as---I don't think the flower should open that way or why is it so tall! What we see is beauty, vibrant color, perhaps a fragrance and intricate detail. We accept it as it is. Wouldn't it be wonderful to look at people in the same manner...Without judgement, preconceived expectations, or stereotypes? We can strive to develop the peaceful mind and heart or as some call it the Buddha mind, Christlike mind, Universal mind...to make our world and lives a happy place. Yesterday I experienced the peaceful beauty of Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, CA. I must share a tidbit I learned with you on Mindfulness. Does your mind talk/chatter constantly---past, future, all over the place like mine? A real challenge when you try to meditate! Your body is in the Present but your mind is traveling everywhere else..it has gone on a trip!
SOLUTION: Create MINDFULNESS in yourself! Bring your mind and thoughts back into your body,in the place and time you are right then and BE PRESENT! Each time your mind drifts---bring it back to PRESENT. Now enjoy each moment! It seems like we can get so busy with everyday life that we let go of things we love, our interests, hobbies, things we want to explore...
It is never too late to rekindle your love for ___________???Mine is the arts and for the last 4 years a passionate love for photography and travel. Fill in the blank with what you want to explore. Write it down, post it on your mirror or refrigerator...then take a little time to play with it. What will you get? Happiness, joy, and love for life. What do you think? Join me on my blog and let's expand our horizons! |
Join me in sharing your thoughts, ideas, interests on Heart Chatter Art blog...I am an author, worldwide traveler, photographer, speaker and love the arts. Categories