A Thought Can Change Your Mind
A Smile Can Change Your Day
Heartfelt Words Can Change the World
Join me as I share my thoughts, words, photos, and insight about things I love!
Maybe you are like me with a love of adventure and the travel bug. Interesting, my next adventure tends to take me to foreign places while wonders are right under my nose. Take a look at the picture in this post---is it from Japan or China? No, not at all as I took it in San Marino, CA at the Huntington Library. When I get traveled fatigued and yearn for my home and my own bed I find myself searching for places to take pics or visit. Did you know that a google search on local things to do yields the most interesting results? Try free or near free things to do with kids in the area you live. Photographic spots in Southern Ca. or your local area or city. A search of local museums, events, or festivals will yield a great number of spots to see in your local area that range from pricey to near nothing or free.. Whether you are a parent or grandparent, a photography buff, or just looking for something to do---the world is open to you with things you may have never seen right under your nose. Recently my photographer friends went out shooting in Riverside, CA which is close to where I live. I missed the shoot because I was sick after a long trip. When I viewed the pictures they posted I wondered "Where is this place, I never saw that before?" ---funny as I have lived in the area for decades! I missed interesting places right under my nose! Have you noticed that people who live in a city rarely visit their local attractions? I am referring to not only the big ones such as Disneyland if you live in Southern CA but places like you local botanical gardens, your local downtown or historical town area, wildflower reserves, or National, State or local parks and wildlife areas. We visit our must see attractions when we have visitors to entertain from out of town. For me Joshua Tree National Park is an hour drive, a place I missed for decades and now visit yearly because of its breathtaking beauty. Stretch your imagination as you stretch your places to travel and experience. Stop and experience the wonders right under your nose! |
Join me in sharing your thoughts, ideas, interests on Heart Chatter Art blog...I am an author, worldwide traveler, photographer, speaker and love the arts. Categories